Alpine festival on the alp Plani
11.08.2024 , Sunday
On 11th August 2024 at 11:00 a.m. the restaurant will open and the Plani team welcomes you to the alp, above Schönried.
The grill master will take care of the physical well-being with steaks, sausages, potatoes and homemade sour cream sauce.
In addition to meat, there is also raclette or planed cheese and for dessert there are delicious meringues with nidle or freshly baked cakes.
The sermon will take place at 1 p.m.
The decorated master cow will make its grand entrance at around 4 p.m.
Folk entertainment will be provided by the Jodlergroup Schwenden and the Schwyzerörgeli-Trio Original Krumm.
Alp Plani is easily accessible by 4x4 vehicle and a large parking lot is available free of charge. The road is marked with signposts from Schönried and Saanenmöser.
The event takes place in all weathers conditions. In case of bad weather, additional seating will be covered. Just the sermon will only be held by good weather conditions.